December 2018 Source Now Available
The December Source magazine is posted for viewing
With the end of 2018 fast approaching, take time during this busy holiday season to read and review the contents of the December 2018 issue of Source magazine. Included in this issue is the slate of candidates for the 2019 Board of Directors election, as well as candidates for the Auxiliary Membership Board. You can view a photo of each candidate, as well as read their individual bios and their goals for the various offices for which they are candidates.
There is a TED Talk titled, “Why the secret to success is setting the right goals.” This timely article can assist you in reviewing your successes from 2018 and aid you in making plans and goals for 2019.
President Dr. Alexia Nalewaik, CCP, uses her President’s Message to discuss “Project Expectations Regarding Ethics” and the Certification News is a reprint of a 2016 article titled, “Unethical and Illegal Behavior.”
Larry Dysert, Vice President of the Technical Board authors an article titled, “Life Cycle Cost Analysis.” The bonus technical article is by Walied Abdeldayem and Mark C. Sanders, PE CCP CFCC PSP, and is titled, “RP 29R-03 MIP 3.5, Observational/Dynamic? Modified or Recreated.
For our member profiles for December, Rohit Singh, P.Eng CCP, showcases his involvement with the AACE International mentoring program; Marina Jewell-Ohran is the Women in Project Controls feature and Phil Martin represents the Rising Professionals.
You will also find information about new AACE Corporate members, Section news, and upcoming events. All these items and more are a part of the December Source magazine and it is posted now for your reading pleasure. Visit: https://web.aacei.org/resources/publications/magazines. Remember members and non-members have full access to the current and all prior issues of Source magazine. Only AACE members have access to the Cost Engineering journal.